Garry Vincent Riordan
August 1961 - June 2024The Funeral Service for Mr Garry Vincent Riordan of Como will take place in our Chapel, 1307 Albany Highway, Cannington commencing at 10.00am on THURSDAY (25.07.2024).
Cremation will take place privately at a later time.
The Funeral Service will be livestreamed and can be watched via the Bowra & O'Dea website.
1307 Albany Highway, CANNINGTON WA 6107, Australia
25 July 2024 10:00 AM
Leave your mark with a memory, story or message you want to share with the family and friends.
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Our deepest condolences to family and friends on the passing of Gary. Will be forever grateful for his welcoming nature when we moved to Christella Court Fernvale. Became friends and every weekend shared beers, laughs and stories around the endless bon fires. And let’s not forget how fussy you were... Read more
Kristy & Shane Klee
Garry Vincent Riordan
So many great memories, professionally and personally. This week has seen much reflection on Gary and the memories I hold close of our time as emerging adults in Kyogle. And later as we grew through our separate paths in the transport industry I will certainly miss him and the friendship... Read more
Greg Langley
Garry Vincent Riordan
My deepest prayers and heartfelt memories always. Love always x
Kim Neale
Garry Vincent Riordan

Beautiful service thank you so much.. Thinking of you & your lovely family Sonja Love Graham .
Graham George
Garry Vincent Riordan

Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry, I will always have fond memories of our Bis days working our way through many Commerical models, customer meetings and negotiations, and those continual late nights coming up with various solutions of our Operations.... You always had a story to tell, a passionate and spirited commitment to work to... Read more
Shane Thompson
Garry Vincent Riordan
The Garry was always good for a laugh around a BBQ, always welcoming and warm. Although our connection was loose, he will always be considered a father figure for me, and will be remembered fondly. Sendong condolences and love for his family.
Amanda Madden
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry Riordan What a leader you were you will surely be missed by all in the industry Rest iin Peace
Dennis OBrien (Taffy)
Garry Vincent Riordan
Gary RIPAnd GodBless you was a great friend and work mate we had a lot of laughs and a lot of hangovers You will be always remembered. Spokes
Graham. Cornwall
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry was a great mentor, always had a calming approach and would be able to work through a solution - certainly displayed some strong ethics for people to see and follow. True definition of a leader - enjoy some quiet reds mate.
Dan P
Garry Vincent Riordan
Grandad, I wish that we had more time. My brothers and I will forever be grateful for the memories that we had with you. I would do anything to hear your voice and hug you one last time, you are a legend in our eyes and now it’s time for... Read more
Chaquelle Riordan
Garry Vincent Riordan
Our thoughts are with all of Garrys Family .Hope you all can have wonderful memories that can help you over this sad time. We have had some memorable times with Garry which we will treasure always. all our Love and best wishes. John and Robyn
John and Robyn Lee
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry, We will forever treasure the (admittedly at times somewhat fuzzy) memories of joy, generosity and laughter. The time we spent together was a celebration and a reminder of the importance of good friends and living fully and wholeheartedly. Thank you for these moments, and we will be thinking of... Read more
Evan & Renee
Garry Vincent Riordan
I have very fond memories of visiting Gary's family in Kyogle about 50 years ago we drove up from Adelaide and Gary and I must have been about 11-12 ,we were relegated to the caravan .We spent the next two weeks running around Kyogle having a great time. .I have... Read more
Tony Smith
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry - thoroughly enjoyed the conversations we use to have over a drink. Never judging, never criticising and always honest. Will miss those……. Rest in peace mate.
Rob Yuen
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry you were a very nice man to everyone lost for words a shock to here your gone love always gerrydeen
Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry. Never has one person had such a profound impact on my career, been a real pleasure to work with, and a great mate for those social events. You led our team of hard-working people, from the front, with courage and character, which was endearing and sincere...collectively we respect you and will... Read more
Shane Mansergh
Garry Vincent Riordan
Garry was not only exceptional at his job, but he was also an extraordinary human being. His leadership to myself extended beyond the confines of his office, shaping careers and transforming people's lives. He embodied the true essence of mentorship. He taught me not just to excel in my roles,... Read more
Tam McAulay
Garry Vincent Riordan
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