Suzy Urbaniak’s Inspiring Story

The CoRE of Teaching.
Suzy Urbaniak’s Polish family came to Australia for a better life. Growing up as a first generation Australian, it came with its difficulties especially as Suzy didn’t speak a word of English when she started school. Family camping trips sparked Urbaniak’s fascination with rocks, nature, the earth and volcanoes, this lead to her dream of becoming a Geologist. With a love of science and problem solving she went onto work in the mining industry where she fulfilled her dream, she says thanks to influential teachers who believed in her. After a few changes in her personal life she had to find a new field of work, to be there for her 3 kids and fell into teaching. Now after many years of teaching at Kent Street High School, Urbaniak has been awarded with the 2020 WA Local Hero, and for good reason. Champion of science and education, Suzy is all about preparing our youth with real world science experiences through her learning model, Centre of Resources Excellence (CoRE). So what’s next? Suzy plans to expand the CoRE teaching model across Australia!
Listen to Suzy Urbaniak’s Inspiring Story.