Funeral Services Dianella
Leanne O’Dea Dianella Funeral Home
It can be a very difficult and emotional time if you’ve recently lost a loved one or someone special in your life.
At Bowra & O’Dea Dianella, our Funeral Directors know and understand this, which is why we take extra care and time in helping you plan and prepare a special service or memorial for your loved one.
Our Bowra & O’Dea Dianella funeral home is located on Grand Promenade. The Dianella chapel provides an intimate setting and can accommodate up to 50 guests, with additional standing room towards the back, and is equipped with TV screens and AV facilities for photographic tributes and live streaming.
You can meet with friends and family in the condolence lounge where tea, coffee and biscuits can be enjoyed. Other amenities include an arrangement room, convenient on-site parking for up to 2 vehicles, and a sheltered entrance for funeral vehicles.
Arrangements can be made with one of our experienced Dianella funeral home consultants.
Seats up to 50 guests with additional standing room
Condolence Lounge
Gather to greet family, friends and guests in attendance
Arrangement Room
Arrange a funeral with our professional consultants
TV & AV Equipment
Play music, photo and video tributes during the service
Live Streaming
Broadcast for guests unable to attend the service in person
Tea, coffee and biscuits for family, friends and guests
2 Parking Bays
Private on-site parking for family, friends and guests
1 ACROD Parking Bays
Private on-site ACROD parking bays to assist special needs
Everything from our phone call to the end was done in a very professional and caring way, thank you to all the staff, god bless.
Was very pleased with how everything was explained and organised. All staff were extremely informative and helpful. The chapel was beautiful.
Thank you! It was a lovely Funeral. It was really bought together in a professional manner on the Day. No complaints what so ever.