Troubleshooting Live Streams

Keeping families close when they can’t be together.
In difficult times it’s the little things that count, if you are unable to attend a service in person, we offer options for loved ones to pay their respects online.
Plan ahead
If you receive a unique streaming link, please test this on your device prior to the day it is due to commence.
Live streaming FAQs
What is Live Streaming?
Live streaming refers to online streaming media simultaneously recorded and broadcasted in real time. We use a system from Naoca to host the streaming in all of our Leanne O’Dea Chapels.
How do I watch a live stream?
In order to view a live stream, you will need to have the unique link to access the stream, this will be forwarded onto the family as an ‘Invitation Email’ from one of our Funeral Staff members. This link will have been provided to you by the family holding the funeral service. In addition, if the stream is a private event, you will have also been provided with a unique PIN to gain access to the stream.
If you do not have the unique link, you will need to contact the family member organising the service. Alternatively you can contact the Leanne O’Dea branch holding the service, however we can only provide information if the family have given us permission to do so.
You can find the funeral services to be streaming here.
I wasn’t able to watch the stream live, can I watch the recorded service?
If you weren’t able to watch the Live Stream, you can find the recorded service by clicking the service link provided to you by the family, it will take you directly to the recording. Otherwise you can search for your loved one here. These recordings will remain on our website, you are able to download a copy for yourself to keep should you wish to do so.
Please allow approximately 24 hours for the Live Stream to be uploaded as a recording. If there are any issues, please contact the hosting branch.
What is an invitation Email?
When a live stream is scheduled, an invitation email is sent to the organising family representative by the Leanne O’Dea branch broadcasting the live stream.
This email not only provides the unique link and PIN to the live stream, but also provides further important information relating to the event. The invitation email also provides a link to this help area and a test page where viewers can ensure that they have compatible devices and browsers in order to view the stream.
If the family decide to use a third party provider for Live Streaming then the unique link and PIN, if required will be provided direct to the family in most cases. Leanne O’Dea do not have control over any external services providers while we may have been provided their information from the family, we will need to put you through to the provider if you were to call our office.
I have deleted my Invitation Email, what do I do?
If you have lost or deleted your invitation email and PIN, then simply contact the organising family member and they will be able to provide you the details. If you contact Leanne O’Dea, please contact the branch that the funeral is being held at. They will only be able to provide you the details if approval from the family has been given.
What Web Browser can I view the Web Stream From?
We have gone to great lengths to test and minimize the technical challenges of viewing our streaming services, however it is important to mention that the technology of streaming is reliant on many external factors outside our control. Factors such as Internet speed, network reliability, what software is on your computer, and even the hardware you are using to view the stream will all affect the overall experience. To find out which devices and browsers we support please see below:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
What Type of Internet Connection do I need to watch the stream?
In order to successfully watch a live streamed event, you must have an Internet connection of reasonable quality. Whilst our live stream can be viewed on mobile devices over mobile wireless networks, we cannot guarantee that the reliability of the live stream, particularly in locations where signal is unreliable. Where possible, please consider watching the stream from a fixed Internet connection.
Should there be Audio on the Stream?
Yes, all funeral service live streams include audio. Ensure your volume is turned up on your device to hear the service clearly.
I can see a picture, but there’s no audio.
Occasionally, due to Internet connectivity issues between the streaming location and our servers’ video and audio may lose synchronization or, in a worst case, the audio stream will not start correctly at all.
If you’re watching a stream and there is no audio, please first try refreshing the page in your browser, or reload the event.
If there is still no audio, please ensure that your device’s speakers are set at an appropriate volume or alternatively try some headphones.
I need to contact the branch for help, how do I find out where it’s being held?
If this is a public Funeral Service it will be posted in the newspaper, otherwise on our website you can also see the details, on our funeral services search page.
The contacts for our branches are as follows.
- Cannington 9461 7133
- Cottesloe 9384 2226
- Dianella 9229 7700
- Fremantle 9239 7744
- Mandurah 9535 4261
- Medina 9236 7733
- Midland 9229 7255
- Perth 9231 5199
- Westminster 9464 7266